Assembly Service
Source: | Author:kvcheung | Published time: 2012-05-28 | 867 Views | Share:

Manufacturing Services:

  • - Material Procurement
  • - PCB Assembly
  • - Sub-assembly
  • - Casing-assembly
  • - Test Solutions
  • - Failure Analysis

Testing Solutions

The testing strategy is to apply the right mix of automated testing and inspection methods under the basic objective of providing complete test coverage. The test engineers are well trained to develop cost effective in-circuit testing and custom functional test systems to verify performance of products from PCBAs, sub- assemblies to finished products.

  • In-Circuit Test, our ICT engineers are well trained to optimize the programming and fixture design for solutions coming from Aglient, GrnRad and Teladyne. By reviewing the selection of key components, PCB layout and the complexity of the PCBAs, will make the recommendation on the choice of ICT solution.
  • Functional Test, as a full testing services provider, Test Engineers apply advanced design tools to custom design functional test systems with emphasis in the areas of reliability and measurement accuracy. We will always come with functional testing solutions for products designed by the R&D team. For products designed by the customers, starting from the product specification, our experienced engineer will identify the required information and take the responsibility to develop testing solutions that can achieve comprehensive test coverage.

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